Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 365 - Week 8


Us gals walked downstairs to a table full of chocolates and cards.  Personally, I've enjoyed mixing raw almonds with Green and Black's 85% dark chocolate this week.  Yummy!  So I guess that means I'm kinda off of my yeast cleanse diet.  {Thank you, Jesus!}  DK received a nice Saints football coffee mug.


During schoolwork, the girls test-drive some of next years Teaching Textbook lessons.  They always get excited about working a grade ahead.  {i think most kids test a grade ahead in this curriculum.  abeka and math-u-see gave us a great start.}


As busy as my Tuesdays are, Jasmine thought I needed to add one. more. thing. to my to-do list.  Bathe dog.  She later regretted this decision when Mama used the ice-cold water to bathe her outdoors.  Look at that face, though.  I think {maybe} she was trying to say, "I'm sorry."


What's wrong with this picture?!  Good thing DK was only gone for one night this week because I think Mama is losin' it!   Also a good thing that my errands didn't require me to get out of the vehicle.  I told you I had a lot on my mind.


{cell pic} My view from the elliptical {you remember where the boy next to me fell off his treadmill?}.  And then to the right is my view from the sweat machine Stairmaster.  I couldn't do any of this cardio workout without my iPod!  More on that later.  ;)


The girls have had fun making tents in the dining room this week, giving me nostalgic feelings.  ;)  They have watched movies, accomplished schoolwork... and Gracie has even slept in them {3 nights and counting}.


You know those moments when you finally plop down on the sofa and look forward to chillaxin' {yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a word}?   However, your 8 yr old asks in the sweetest 5 yr old voice {at least that's the way it has sounded all this time}, "Can you play a game with me?"   You do it because you're cool like that.  ;)  {unless it's monopoly}  Yet, at some point in the game{s}, it becomes what you want to do too, as you realize the family memories you're making... and hopefully she will remember for years to come as well.  Let us also remember that Mama finally won a game of Yahtzee. 

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Feel free to link up with Sara to show off your week!


  1. You're doing a great job keeping up on your photos. I feel the same way about games. My kids are starting to like card games, like Uno, go fish and war. It is fun being together. I will miss this later, I just know it. :)

  2. Your dog is too cute! I love the shoes...we all have days like that : )

  3. Great pics again! Love that the card says "Schmoopie"! The shoes made me laugh and only because I know the feeling!
    Tents and games are great memories!!

  4. What in the world did your dog get into? LOL

    Ahhhh, the days of indoor "tents" and board games. Sweet memories :-)

    I once wore a black shoe and a blue shoe to church; they were identical except in color. LOL

    LOVE, love, love dark chocolate!

  5. Your dog - yuk !!! Sorry for you for that one.

    I wore a black and brown shoe the other day to work. The heels were even a litlle different dah on me!!!

    Your girls are too cute!!!

  6. You have so much fun at your house! I wanna come play.

    Nice shoes. I once did that with a brown and a black - same style, diff color.

    Poor dog. :(

  7. Love the description of playing games with the true. My "except" is Chutes and Ladders...what an aNNOYing game!

    Ah, dogs that make more work for us...never timed right. Your girls look so sweet in their hangout and congrats! teacher on them testing well!

  8. We love some Yahtzee and chillaxin in our house too!! Jasmine is the cutest (dirtiest) dog I've seen. My Bella loves forts and tents in our house too. Then again I remember loving that too.

    Great pictures, as usual!!


  9. That's my fav chocolate. I used to make truffles for my sweetie for V-Day recently. The least they were the same color and similar. It happens. Blessings, SusanD

  10. you did a yeast cleanse? oh my! i have attempted them before, and many other types. whoa. they are tough but you do feel great afterwards.

    great week with your precious kiddos! my kids made tents all the time when they were's a wonderful memory!

  11. Your shoes made me smile :)

    Love the tent making, so fun! You are such a great mom.

  12. Yummy chocolate!
    Cute girly pics.
    Games ARE fun once you get started. It's the idea of dragging out a board game with all its pieces that scares me off every time. :(
    Love the shoe incident. I've gotten into my car to run errands MANY times with actual HOUSE SHOES on! (and not ones that could pass for real shoes either...) So, I can sympathize.

  13. Yeah. Our first year in our new house we got a container-grown Christmas tree. It was nice because it never dried out. We could have kept it in the house for months and months! Then we planted it so we could remember our first Christmas here. Only problem is trying to dig a large enough hole in the dead of winter...That part wasn't much fun.

  14. I love the pictures of your girls making tents. So fun!

  15. Oh, my dear, the chocolate bliss! A+ for that. So glad it's not at my house or I would gain at least 3 lbs. today.

  16. I love the shoe & dog pics, but the black & white one of your daughter is FABULOUS! She has the best smile.


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