Friday, January 15, 2010


I joke about working as a SAHHM {stay-at-home-homeschooling-mom} without receiving a paycheck...
but truthfully, I get one...

in a different form.

"I love you mom I whid never swich with iny other kid becaus I like thing gist as they are"

I'm too blinded by the sweetness of the message to notice any misspellings.

Huge deposit in Mama's love bank.


  1. Oh, I still have similar payments from my 25, 22, and 16! I keep them and still adore those notes! Glad you are enjoying the blessings!

  2. Oh a huge deposit for sure! How precious and definitely worth more then all the money in the world. :) Thank you for sharing your sweet moment with us.

  3. How sweet! Definitely something to save.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Um, awesome! This is so sweet and truly goes a looooooooong way on those bad days...

  5. i didnt know you homeschooled--not sure how i missed that...
    i homeschool my 5 year old, so its still all very new to us.
    these are precious. thanks for sharing! i needed some encouragement this week!!

  6. Awww, so sweet! That does a mama's heart good to get a note like that.


I always enjoy reading what you have to say... It makes my day! ;)

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