Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just can't keep a secret

Well, I can of course. Some things will go with me to my grave. That was a must-have quality for a minister's wife.

It was my cell phone who told me this secret. You've heard the idiom... "While the cat's away, the mice will play." Well, looks like I have one little mouse (or diva) who refuses to let H-Mama's cell phone charge... in peace. Believe me, I've spared you from most of the pictures she took (which were many). Much to my surprise and with her permission to post these, here's Gracie at her finest. Full of personality, never a dull moment, doing what she does best... hamming it up for the camera!

Yes, I know the bed's unmade. It's a new thing called the 'lived-in look'. I'm sure it will take off in all of the trendy magazines soon. When it does, remember... you heard it here! ;)


  1. Your daughter is sooo cute! I have many of those same type pics on my cell phone too. They are precious aren't they?

  2. She's so cute! The Lived in Look.... I've got that down!

  3. Yep. I have some of the same random pics. Sneaky little girls.

  4. I did not even notice the beds were unmade, can't wait til this trend takes off:) That is so funny, my son loves to take my cell and take pics too.

  5. Love the photos. I also love the live in look.
    Thanks for coming over from Debra's to enter my giveaway. She is such a great gal.
    I got this cupcake holder at Wal-Mart. My own cupcake holder came from a kitchen store. I was surprised how similar they are. I so agree with you about not winning giveaways. I always say I should pay someone to let me win. Thanks for coming by and have a blessed day!

  6. Hey H-Mama! I didn't realize that you were a PW! So am I. I love it when I meet other PW's on the net.

    Your girls are CuuuuuTe!


I always enjoy reading what you have to say... It makes my day! ;)

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