Tuesday, January 24, 2012

jan {i}photo challenge: week 3/366

hello, y'all.  how are ya?  enjoying these unusual winter temps?  personally, i want my winter back!  crazy, i know.  but we remember how hot these texas summers are... totally. getting. gypped. a true texas winter. ;)  

continuing the #janphotoaday challenge... it's never too late to join!


15. happiness.  a list made by a certain 9 yo of birthday gift possibilities.  "american girl doll.  shopping spree at justice.  room make over!"  check one.  she's happy.  mama is close to tears.  my BABY will be double digits.  ten.  sigh.

16. morning.  we've been a little under the weather, so school has been a lil' lax.  drive thru history dvds require sleeping bags when you're warming up for a friend's slumber party.  all while listening to the construction very near our back yard.  grrrr...

17. water.  hot tea starts my morning, in my favorite $1 store stainless-steel mug. watching bella observe phoenix, our new fish. kitty hdtv. quite entertaining.


18. something you bought. a haircut. nator's donation to locks of love.  so proud of her!!

19. sweet. starting the next level in math.  meeting new friends at a sleepover.  piano teachers.  webkinz to help with math.


20. someone you love. family {sporting a new haircut} & friends. how can you name just one? ;)

21. reflection. i know it's a stretch, but i thought i'd share this lil' goodie made by gracie using stopmotion.  there were many {many} more, but this is the one blog-approved by gracie.


if you follow us on instagram, you already know the news of our latest addition to the family team.  looking forward to sharing those pictures with you here. ;)


  1. Great pictures!!! Love Nator's haircut! Kei is standing here saying, "She has Daisy Tortoise and the Weimaraner" And I was like, "Ok get out of here and quit reading over my shoulder!" ;) Our girls should text and webkinz sometime! Also love the birthday list. :)

    Ok we both cracked up at the video and are about to grab "Stopmotion" for our iPad. Too cool!

    1. Did not know Stop Motion was an app! So looking into that! I think Greg is going to start leaving the iPad with us during the day since he can do everything on his iPhone.

      You girls did a great thing. Beautiful.

      Need pics of your newest addition asap!


    2. oops...still on Grace's logon. Its Jess @ Teachable Moments. Sorry!!

  2. Gracie's video is LOL funny!! Nator's haircut looks great and her heart looks even bigger. ;)
    I think being in a sleeping bag sounds like a great way to learn and stay warm...even better!
    Have a super week!

  3. kitty hdtv--too funny! I love nator's haircut!

    Sorry to hear that you are under the weather, hope you all feel better soon!

  4. WOW!!! Nator looks *so* grown up now!! What a sweet girl to give to such an incredible organization.

  5. I love her new hair cut!!! so stinkin' cute!!!!

    Kitty hdtv...love it!!!

  6. She looks beautiful with short hair! Older though. I know you don't wanna hear that. :)

  7. Aw! She is such a cutie! Love her hair cut!


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