Monday, April 18, 2011

morning conversation


the scene

me:  scrambling eggs, while putting together pancake batter for the morning breakfast routine.  mama is tired and feeling a tad overwhelmed.

girls:  sitting at the kitchen table, waiting to be fed like little baby birds.  thinking of ways to ruffle mama-bird's feathers.  i kid.  they were starting to bicker.


i'm sure this never happens in your home.  ever.


me:  "who's starting to argue?!  i do not want sibling disagreements this morning.  that is the most irritating sound in the world."  #grumpymuch?

gracie:  "who's starting to argue?  i'm not arguing.  *giggle*"

nator:  "we're having a sibling discussion with very strong opinions."

me: "hahaha..."

there's nothing better to break tension than witty humor and laughter.


"A cheerful heart is good medicine..."


  1. these pictures are ADORABLE!!!!

    I always wanted a sister.

  2. Oh those pictures are beautiful! Great job, mama! Makes me so wish I had a sister too, Sara! ;) Is it strange that I'm sometimes jealous of the sister-bond between my own girls? :)

  3. Those 2 girls are just too smart for their own good! :D

  4. You did an awesome job on their yearly pictures.

    Love the sibling bickering ending humor! And you're right, my children never do such things! ;0)

  5. CUTE skirts....♥

    OH how I wish I had a little girl;)

  6. sisters are so fun! what great pictures!!

  7. Super cute pictures of your ever-gorgeous ALWAYS!

  8. Those girls are lucky to have a mama that scrambles eggs and makes pancakes first thing in the morning!

    I love your photos & I <3 Nator's response: sibiling discussion with very strong opinions! lol!!

    We went shopping today and I thought of you...we found something for my older daughter to wear on a photo shoot...but not my little one ...still looking...

  9. so pretty! WE had some sibling yuckiness yesterday.. Finally I said STOP talking--- you have said NOTHING kind, loving, gentle or patients in the last 15 minutes. So they were quiet for awhile and then they were giggling! :0)

  10. Smart girls! :) And so pretty! Love these pictures -- their expressions and their outfits!


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