Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our journey to Homeschool

It’s not something I even thought of during my journey to motherhood. I mean, why would I?

The only image I had in my head of homeschoolers included a family with 5 children who didn’t seem the brightest in the area of common sense. {Ouch.  That sounded harsh.}  On top of that, they were not well kempt and they made most hermits I know look like socialites. {Ouch again}  I didn't fit the profile, of course. ;) I didn't know how to sew and wouldn't be able to make all those denim jumpers. ;)

Fast forward… When my firstborn was about 4, I literally had ½ a dozen people comment on my ability to homeschool. Errrr? {Notice my tilted puppy head} I never mentioned anything to anyone about homeschool.

However, by this time, I had met a handful of families who were homeschooling {and well, I might add}, even though seemingly other great opportunities existed. I had friends who worked in those "other great opportunities" and they spoke of homeschooling once they had children. They filled my head with stories like this. That really made me think.

I always wanted to be a SAHM, but homeschooling was not something I originally entertained.  I couldn't even imagine my precious babies growing up; however, I’m so glad we researched it. After a year of A-Nator going to a private school during her Pre-K year, we started our journey. Honestly, I wish I could have that tuition back. How much did we pay them to teach her the color blue and how God created the flowers again?? {Oi}

Unfortunately, as far as most people had come in their opinions of homeschoolers, I was still met with negativity... even among a few friends.  {It’s funny to me how most people attribute any personality quirk to being homeschooled, but would never say that someone has quirks due to their public schooling. Not that they do, I’m just sayin’.}  ;)   There are so many homeschooling myths out there. Thankfully that is getting better as more and more long-term research is being reported. Isn't homeschooling the way it used to be?  Many great minds have come from the premise of home educating.

Having said all of that, I realize that each family must do what is best for their own family and unique situation.

Our first year homeschooling, I did my best to dot all of my I’s and cross all of my T’s. Thankfully, I’ve relaxed a lot since then. Don’t get me wrong. I still have days when I want to pull my hair out dealing with everyday parenting referee issues and such, but I wouldn’t trade it. I pray that our current administration keeps our state the homeschool friendly state that it is.  Gotta love Texas.  :)

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" ....Ronald Reagan

Here are a few things I like about homeschooling…
  • The girls can sleep in (especially on dark, cold, rainy mornings).
  • The flexibility of more frequent trips to Granny’s house.
  • My girls love learning from home and tell me that {at least} once a week.
  • One-on-one schooling.
  • Homeschool uniform… PJ’s.
  • No big yearly back-to-school clothes expenses.
  • A lot of free kid play time.
  • Field trips with friends (during public school hours when there’s less of a crowd).
  • Music lessons can be scheduled during the day.
  • Extra cuddles with Mommy.
  • No worries about school lunches/snacks.
  • We can change our schedule with Daddy’s work schedule.
  • My girls get to be ‘kids’ a little longer.
  • Learning at our own pace.
  • I get to see my girls grasp an idea for the first time.
  • Hubby and I get to choose curriculum that works best. There are literally 100's to choose from!
  • Less peer pressure and more parental control over outside influences.
  • No after school ‘homework’. ;)
  • Really, my list could go on...
Here's what the girls had to say about it...
  • A-Nator says, "My favorite thing about homeschool is: Scouts, my curriculum, Mom, Gracie, Science, Space, History, Math, multiplication, long division, algebra, having more time off to play with K’nex, less ‘homework’, lots of love, waking up late and wearing pajamas during school. I love to travel and take field trips. I love to paint and do crafts that we make. I love free time on a hot day when we go in the pool and play in the sprinkler. I love to learn. Learning rules! I like the educational shows that we watch."
  • Gracie says, "My favorite thing about homeschool is: My teacher, A-Nator, eggs with honey and waffles or pancakes for breakfast every morning, wearing whatever I want, reading Tiara Club , American Girl and Rainbow Magic books. I love going to the movies with my friends and I like going to the Jumping Room with my family and friends. I like going to parties there. I like to watch Cyberchase. I love to watch every educational show except Grossology."
Gotta love a paycheck of hugs and kisses, too...


  1. great post and good job! I am not a homeschooling mom but have many friends who are. God did not lead us in that direction (I think to save my kids from me! ha!), but I feel very strongly in choosing what is best for each child..and that may be different for each!!

  2. Homeschooling rocks!!! I'm so glad we are doing it. I love to see my kids all the time and watch them learn. It's truly amazing.

  3. I love reading how other people arrived at their choices.

    Our favorite reasons revolve around more playtime and staying in pajamas. Frankly it was remotely socially acceptable, I would grocery shop in my pjs.... Can we start a movement?

  4. No offense taken about the previous post! I was born in Colombia by the way!!

    I have run into a lot of Home Schooler while Getting into the blog world. I think it is great if a mom or dad can do it. The myth that I used to hear was that kids were not socialized but that is what clubs and outside activities are for. Which I think I have read that your girls participate in. I am sure they have run across different personality types and conflict that people feel we need to learn in school. I loved public school, each kid makes what they want of it. But if I had kids and was able (financially) to stay at home then I would home school them!!


I always enjoy reading what you have to say... It makes my day! ;)

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