Monday, May 4, 2009

"Will you help me get married?"

Those were the words spoken by A-Nator when she was between 3-4 yrs old. She didn't quite have the vocabulary to ask me to help her put on her dress-up wedding dress. Talk about a reality check for Mama though!

Here's the girls trying on washers and such at the Lowe's Home Improvement store this weekend... as wedding rings. I guess this is just the make-up of most little girls. Dreaming of their Prince Charming... or watching too many Disney movies?? Hmmm... Fortunately for us, they obviously don't remember which hand they go on. Maybe that's a sign I have quite a bit longer with them! :)


  1. Tell them not to settle for washers.

  2. Awww! They are so adorable! I do hope they end up with diamonds on those fingers!!! :)


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