Wednesday, December 18, 2013

{Wicked} Fun

In the midst of running the mom-taxi to theater rehearsals and performances this summer, we squeezed in a little {extra} fun with some of our theater friends, too.

It was a full day of Shrek rehearsal (I'll get to that soon) and this mama at the optometrist's office (for 3 hours, but who's counting?). Fun, yes? ;)

We headed on over to the center of the concrete jungle for some {Wicked} fun.

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Unfortunately, hubs had to fly out and couldn't make the show...
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so, we did the next best thing and invited one of the girls' theater friends to come along with us.

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Sweet and fun. When theater friends attend a show, they might just put on a Wizard of Oz performance outside the theater for the viewing audience, of which some patrons may actually give applause. Too cute.

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A beautiful night with beautiful girlies.

1 comment:

  1. Going to the theater with my girls is one of my favorite things! I still have not seen Wicked. I really have to fix that......


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